• Communication strategy
  • Press office
  • Event organization
  • Social media strategy and social media management

Bella Mossa: whoever moves well is rewarded

Together with SRM – Reti e Mobilità SRL, the public transport agency of the Municipality and the Metropolitan City of Bologna, we have contributed to the promotion of the Bella Mossa (Nice Move) initiative, an activity organized on the impulse of the European Community for promoting sustainable mobility, through an app, a gamification path, and a communication plan and dissemination events.

Press office and press conference: a dynamic promotion

To promote the event, we organized the press conference to launch the initiative and took care of the on and off-line press office activities. These actions guaranteed a wide coverage of press, TV, radio, and web in the local and regional area, and prominent nationals on various online newspapers.

Social media: contents & community

During the six months of the project, we launched and managed the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels of Bella Mossa, taking care of the editorial planning and community management.

Acting for good communication

To maximize awareness and dissemination of the initiative, we also supported the client in the organization and management of about 15 information activities during exhibitions and events open to the public and in places of specific interest.

Partner search and selection: united we win

A further line of action consisted of the search and selection of about 50 partners who participated in the initiative by providing prizes or discounts to participants in the gamification path.

Valuable results

Thanks to our work, Bella Mossa hit and exceeded the target of 15,000 active users involved in the gamification process well in advance of the scheduled time, and had a very strong local and national visibility on digital media, newspapers, and news broadcasts.